Admittedly, I’m a bit of a geek about advancements in medicine, and we live in a world where there is progress every day. One innovation I’m particularly excited about is the development of multi-cancer early detection (MCED) tests, an advancement that allows us to detect cancer earlier than ever.
In the past, physicians relied on single-cancer screening methods and symptom-based diagnoses. These traditional screening tests were limited to “the big five” cancers: breast cancer (mammogram), cervical cancer (Pap smear and HPV tests), colon cancer (colonoscopy), prostate cancer (PSA blood tests and prostate exams), and lung cancer (low-dose CT scans).
Historically, other critical cancers have lacked effective screening methods, which has meant that these cancers could go unnoticed until the disease was more advanced and symptoms were present. However, over the last five years, promising new technologies have been developed, such as multi-cancer early detection (MCED) testing, including one receiving name-brand recognition: the GRAIL Galleri test.

A Galleri Success Story
While some MCEDs use full-body imaging or test for fewer cancers, the Galleri test can detect over 50 types of cancer through a simple blood test. It has profoundly changed the early cancer detection landscape.
Recently, because of a family history of cancer (he was unsure of the type), one of our members decided to take a Galleri test.
The test’s results came back positive for a cancer usually only found in the latter stages of the disease. He knew he’d had some symptoms but had chalked them up to allergies.
I referred him to a specialist who determined that the cancer was in an early stage and that his prognosis was very good. Without the Galleri test, his story might have had a different end.

How the Galleri Test Works
Cancers produce specific markers, such as proteins and enzymes. The Galleri test identifies these markers in the blood.
It’s a screening test but has a high sensitivity for most cancers tested. Its specificity varies. If the Galleri test shows a positive result (results typically take 5–7 days), we offer instructions on how to proceed. This may include retesting the submitted blood sample to verify the result, ordering additional lab and imaging studies, and/or involving the expertise of a specialist to fully evaluate the potential cancer.
Who Is Galleri Testing For?
The Galleri test is for adults older than 21 who have a family history of cancer or may be at higher risk of developing cancer, who wish to proactively screen for cancer, and who are not undergoing cancer treatment.
The Galleri test complements existing cancer screenings; it doesn’t replace them. It’s still crucial to maintain routine cancer screenings, such as colonoscopies, mammograms, and Pap smears. The choice to pursue more in-depth screening is personal, based on individual concerns, family history, and other criteria.
For members considering advanced cancer screening, I’m happy to assist and support each individual’s decision-making process.
Final Thoughts on Galleri and Other MCED Tests
The evolution of MCED tests has empowered healthcare providers to identify malignancies at earlier stages, which often translates to more positive outcomes.
As an essential tool in our practice, Galleri testing is a valuable option for broad, prompt cancer detection.
At Emmanuel J. Lee M.D., we’d love to answer your questions about early cancer detection through GRAIL Galleri testing. Reach out to chat!